May the 4th Be With You!

Yes, it’s Star Wars day! I was actually going to get in my first full game of Guild Ball tonight, but the guy I was meeting up with got sick, so I might just have to pop in my copy of Force Awakens and watch it with BB-8.  Always a bunch of great Star Wars […]

Happy Passover!

This week with Heroines for Hire, we detour from our storyline to give you a little Passover story. For my Gentile friends, you might be wondering what’s going on in today’s strip.  Here’s the Cliff notes version: Passover, which starts this weekend, is a major Jewish holiday that commemorates the Exodus, ie the Jews getting […]

Back from Hiatus!

Heroines for Hire is back from its hiatus.  Hopefully I won’t have to write that sentence too many times in the near future…but I’ve come to accept that I can write strips much faster than Jo can draw them.  It’s just the way of the world. This week I also returned to the short story […]

New Comic, and A Short Story

Not only is there a new comic this week, but I’ve also started work on a short story about Derrick, the paladin(as pictured in this week’s comic).  It’s just a small part so far of what will be a much larger piece, and can also be found at the Heroines for Hire website: 1.           […]

It’s New Comic Wednesday!

Sorry for no comic last week…it was out of my hands as the comic is a collaborative process.  My artist had a good friend in town from the UK, and spent the majority of last week doing touristy LA things like Disneyland.  I can hardly begrudge her as it’s not like she’s getting paid to […]

Happy New Year!

I thought we were going to take a bit of a longer break here in January before starting back up again, but my artist Jo Roberts was pumped to get going on the strips in 2016…and who am I to argue? So enjoy the deceptively titled “Last Call” and we have plenty more to come […]