Many of you have probably noticed we haven’t had a strip in over a month. My artist Jo Roberts has been busy with her budding leatherworking business and pursuing other (paid)work, so she hasn’t been able to work on a strip. We had a talk last night, and sadly she informed me that she wouldn’t be able to work on Heroines for Hire anymore.
So what does this mean for Heroines?
The hiatus will definitely have to continue for a while longer, as I don’t currently have an artist! I’d been holding out hope each week that Jo would be able to turn in a strip, so I hadn’t been looking for a replacement artist. But now, the hunt is on.
If you are an artist that would be interested in working on the webcomic, please send an email to me at introducing yourself. and include a link to your website/portfolio/tumblr. Don’t feel that your art style needs to be the same as Jo’s was, either…just show me what you’ve got! Or if you know an artist that might be interested, pass on the information.